Norwegian press coverage of “Art in Motion”

Two national and one local newspaper published reviews of the group exhbition “Art in Motion.” They were all positive and some translated quotes are presented here, along with the entire reviews:

Aftenposten, 31.08.15
“The artists in the new exhibition at Trafo are keen to create something that is more than just a demonstration that they are skilled craftspeople… if we dig deep enough we will be able to rediscover ourselves in the most impersonal mechanisms, something that Glen Farley’s Secrets II shows. The sculpture, consisting of a section of an anonymous forest floor, comes alive when we press a button. Up from the foliage rises a camera that projects a montage of pictures on the wall – fragments of a life that we need to create a context for.”
Click to read the full article (in Norwegian)

Klassekampen, 26.08.15
“A form of nostalgia develops quickly when things are set in motion within an institution, whether it is classical mechanical Victorian times (Myskja), the rainy shortcut home from school through the woods (Farley), or Surrealist’s vision of an accidental meeting (Nielsen ). However, I recommend this exhibition without reservation; take a trip to Asker … ”
Click to read the full article (in Norwegian)

Asker og Bærum Budstikka, 20.08.15
“At Trafo six artists exhibit artwork you can start up by pressing buttons or stepping on foot pedals. The art then spins around, lights up, plays music, and trembles. And the exhibition is unique.”
Click to read the full article (in Norwegian)